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Über uns

Letzte Bewertungen

C H notiert

(Translated by Google) For me one of the best addresses for authentic Chinese cuisine in Cologne! Super nice team and the food is simply delicious. My absolute highlight are zulazula noodles, liangpi and the pickled beef (a1) 😍 (Original) Für mich eine der besten Adressen für authentische chinesische Küche in Köln! Super nettes Team und das Essen ist einfach köstlich. mein absolutes Highlight sind zulazula Nudeln, Liangpi und das eingelegte Rindfleisch (a1) 😍

Tianyu Liu notiert

缺德缺到坤音娱乐门口的弯人!!! notiert

(Translated by Google) My family had two delicious dishes but it was not up to the domestic level and the price was outrageous, so I gave it 4 nemesis. 3 people ate three bowls of beef noodles, one roujiamo, one bowl of cold skin and one fried belly. The price was 80 The price when converted into Euros is really outrageous, 640 RMB. It's still delicious. (Original) 家人们吃了两次拉 好吃的可是没有达到国内的那个水平 而且价格很离谱所以我给了4克星 3个人吃了三碗牛肉面 一个肉夹馍 一碗凉皮 还有一个爆肚 然后价格是80欧元换算一下价格真的很离谱640块钱人民币。好吃还是好吃的。


  • Mo.-Do. : 12h-22h
  • Fr.-Sat. : 12h-22h30
  • So.: 12h-22h
  • bis 22:30

Chin Burger 秦堡© 2024

Limburger Str. 5
50672 Köln, Deutschland

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