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Sobre nosaltres

Últimes ressenyes

Benjamin B. ha valorat

(Translated by Google) Very authentic cuisine, shiang I think. Super delicious hand-pulled noodles, fried eggplant, simply delicious and uncomplicated. (Original) Sehr authentische Küche, shiang glaube ich. Super leckere handgezogene Nudeln, fritzierte Auberginen, einfach lecker und unkompliziert.

Tej Singh ha valorat

Great tasty food had a nice kick in the mains i ordered and great service.. went the second time and ordered the lamb noodles

Kevin Wellmanns ha valorat

(Translated by Google) Super tasty and versatile! (Original) Super lecker und vielseitig!

Horari d'obertura

  • Dl - Dj : 12h-22h
  • Dv - Ds : 12h-22h30
  • Dg: 12h-22h
  • Obre a les 12:00

Chin Burger 秦堡© 2024
Avís legal

Limburger Str. 5
50672 Köln, Deutschland

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